Lorenzo Orlandi

Graphic Designer & Front-End Developer

Via Aurora, 4 – 21100 Varese – Italy
+39 347 803 52 54
Born March 26th, 1988


Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano)
Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication


Liceo Artistico Angelo Frattini (Varese)
High school qualification in Art studies, Graphic Design specialization

Work experience

2010 – Present
Freelance graphic design, webdesign and illustration work


2012 – Present
Collaboration with Cortisonici Film Festival (Varese)
(graphic design, video editing, events)


Feb 2016 – Feb 2018
Creative for Youcan Lab (Varese)
(graphic design, Web division manager)


2015, 2016
Official Photographer for Castellinaria Film Festival (Bellinzona)


Jan 2015
Collaboration with GPT associati (Lugano)


Jul – Aug 2014
Collaboration with ZOX Design (Lugano)


Localization (Italian) and customer support for BinaryAge’s TotalFinder

Design skills

  • Proficient in photoretouching and photocomposition
  • Illustration (comic-book style), digital coloring
  • Vector imagery (logos, illustrations)
  • Icon design for use in applications, websites
  • Layout & GUI design for applications, websites

Technical skills

Operating Sysyems

  • Advanced knowledge of the Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems
  • Maintenance for both Systems related to networking, printing and common issues
  • basic knowledge of Linux-based Operating Systems


Software and platforms

  • Advanced knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat
  • Good knowledge of System apps (Windows, Mac) and office suites Microsoft Office, Apple iWork, OpenOffice.org
  • Good knowledge of Final Cut Pro, Compressor (Mac)
  • Good knowledge of email marketing platform MailChimp
  • Basic knowledge of Maxon Cinema 4D
  • Basic knowledge of Bohemian Coding’s Sketch



  • Good knowledge of HTML/CSS
  • Advanced knowledge of the WordPress CMS platform
  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript and jQuery
  • Basic knowledge of Processing visual art sowtware

Language skills

Mother tongue


University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations,
First Certificate in English (B2), “Grade A” qualification,


Good reading skills,
basic writing and speaking skills

Things I love

Craft beer, toying with new software, colorful t-shirts, filling my phone with apps I don’t need to see how they work, cats (of course), obscure subreddits